CIN2 lesion in 55 year old with Low Grade cytology – DYSIS Medical

CIN2 lesion in 55 year old with Low Grade cytology

The DYSISmap provided information to help the colposcopist detect and treat a CIN2 lesion on a patient referred with Low Grade cytology that would not have otherwise been biopsied.

CIN2 lesion in 55 year old with Low Grade cytology

Patient Background:

Low-grade cytology referral

55 years old, smoker

Colposcopic impression was normal

Colposcopist decided to not biopsy

Patient was found to be HPV39 positive

DYSISmap directed biopsy was CIN2

Subsequent conization (LLETZ) was CIN2

Without the aid of the DYSISmap that indicated a suspicious area, this patient would have left the clinic with a CIN2 lesion and a high-risk HPV infection. According to the Dutch screening guidelines, her next screening appointment would be in 5 years, putting her at an obvious risk for progression. Instead, she was biopsied, diagnosed and treated.

Acetowhitening effect

Acetowhitening effect