DYSIS in UK Guidelines

Edinburgh, UK – 30 March 2015 − DYSIS Medical Ltd., announced today that its DYSIS Colposcope has been recognised as an approved advanced technology by the NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP) in the latest UK National Colposcopy Guidelines (Document 20).
The new release of the Document 20 guidelines advises on the latest advancements in cervical screening, and recognises the DYSIS Colposcope for its financial and clinical advantages. The guidelines particularly detail those benefits afforded by the technology relevant to other changes such as the introduction of HPV testing.
The unique DYSIS Colposcope differs from traditional colposcopes by measuring the cervical epithelium, producing a map of the cervix. The DYSISmap assists the clinician with the processes of evaluating the cervix, selecting biopsy sites or performing treatment if needed. The DYSISmap technology acts as an adjunct to conventional methods.
The Document 20 Guidelines state “DySIS colposcopy has a higher sensitivity than conventional colposcopy: it can detect high-grade lesions with 88% sensitivity, compared to the 55% achieved in conventional colposcopy. It has also been demonstrated to have 97% sensitivity and 100% specificity in detecting patients who are HPV16 positive and have CIN2+ lesions.
Conventional colposcopy also often misses the smaller, high-grade lesions that could be present in patients with low-grade cytology results. In this subgroup, the DYSIS clinical trials demonstrated a sensitivity of 77% in comparison with 19% for conventional colposcopy. The sensitivity is particularly important, given the pivotal role of colposcopy in the current NHSCSP HPV triage and Test of Cure protocol for selecting which women with low grade smears, who are HPV positive, can return to normal recall.” The DYSIS Colposcope has been previously reviewed and recommended as being a cost effective and a clinically beneficial option by the UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in August 2012.
Mr. Jullien Brady, Consultant Gynaecologist, QA Director & Lead Colposcopist for East of England commented. “As a regular user of the DYSIS Colposcope I am pleased to see the recommendation of this excellent technology in the new Document 20 guidelines. DYSIS has a compelling body of clinical evidence that demonstrates what an excellent contribution it makes to cervical cancer screening and colposcopic assessment of the cervix. It is worthy of this recommendation in Document 20. I would recommend all colposcopists familiarise themselves with the technology, and the potential benefits it can impart upon patient care.”
Amanda Durman, UK Sales & Marketing Director at DYSIS, said: “This endorsement by the NHSCSP complements the NICE recommendation in 2012 and reinforces the view that the DYSIS colposcope is the emerging standard of care for cervical screening. Clinicians can be reassured that DYSIS is easy to integrate into the existing screening pathway and will assist them in the screening and treatment of their patients.”
At the Company: | Media enquiries: |
Amanda Durman | Melanie Toyne Sewell/Gemma Howe |
DYSIS Medical, Inc. | Instinctif Partners |
E: info@dysismedical.com | E: dysis@instinctif.com |
T: 01506 592159 | T: 020 7866 7860 |
Notes to Editors
DYSIS Medical Ltd
DYSIS Medical, a medical devices company active within Women’s Health, has developed an advanced cervical scan which, in addition to performing traditional colposcopy examinations, uses dynamic spectral imaging to scan, quantify and map the cervix.
About cervical cancer
Worldwide, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer for women, and the seventh most common cancer overall, with more than 527,000 new cases diagnosed in 2012.
About the DYSIS Colposcope
The DYSIS colposcope differs from traditional colposcopes by measuring the cervical epithelium automatically, producing a map of the cervix which assists the clinician with assessing the cervix, identifying biopsy locations and performing treatment if needed.
DYSIS delivers dynamic spectral imaging, in vivo quantified assessment of the cervix, high sensitivity quantified mapping of the aceto-whitening effect and HD digital imaging & video with intuitive touch screen interface. The DYSIS colposcope’s ergonomic design is compatible with all patient beds.