Cervical Screening Wales
Evaluating Colposcopy with Dynamic Spectral Imaging During Routine Practice at Five Colposcopy Clinics in Wales: Clinical Performance
Budithi et al, GOI 2018
DYSIS underwent an evaluation in Wales, where it was used at five colposcopy units and by several colposcopists as part of their routine practice.
To evaluate the implementation of colposcopy with DSI to routine practice in five clinics across Wales.
425 Women referred from screening had colposcopy with DYSIS. Each woman was first assessed visually, and then the DYSISmap was reviewed.
For the 393 women included in the final analysis, the results showed that sensitivity to correctly identify patients with histology-confirmed CIN2+ lesions was 51.5% before reviewing the DYSISmap, rising to 84.8% when the DYSISmap was incorporated. Specifically for the women that had been referred with a low-grade cytology, the DYSISmap helped increase the sensitivity from 27.3% to 86.4%.
Evaluated in a multi-clinic setting and routine practice, the sensitivity of colposcopy benefited significantly from including DYSISmap.
The publication can be accessed here.